Built On Worlds #1 Cloud ERP Platform
Say goodbye to complicated HR and Payroll apps and manual operations. Built on world's leading cloud platform used by 40000+ companies, RubikHR is the simplest and most efficient app to manage your employees, payroll data, leaves, performance management, recruitment etc. Spend less time on endless mind-numbing paperwork that you hate to calculate leaves entitled by age, experience, citizenship, service, male, female etc etc. The app makes it possible by automating the complete process as per leave rules and your customized policies - specific to your company & country.
All information about employee leaves and time off is tracked in a beautiful absence calendar, which shows information about employees on or planning to be on leave. The system allows you to view the absence chart for the entire company, your department or your team. At a single glance, you can see who is on the road, on vacation, etc. in single day, week, or month views.